Land only for sale. Cross Herold bridge and go to stop sign. Turn left and go to end of road. Property on left. Sold as is. 33453 Square foot lot for sale. This is about .8 acres. It is located by crossing the Herold bridge and going straight to the
stop sign, then turn left and go to the end of the dead end (closed) road. This lot had an A frame house on it that burnt down. Some cleanup has been done but there is a lot more to do. There is a small strip of land between this lot and the river that we do not own. This would make a nice property for home or cabin once cleaned up and graded for what you want to build. The block could be used for fill. There is water, gas, electric and sewage available for the lot. 911 address is 488 Herold Road Sutton WV 26601. Legal desc. CHEMICAL TOWN 33453 SQ FT 74.5 X 218 X 210 X 137 X 147
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