### Sale price $9800.00 Elk River,, LOT 39,40 and 41. Sutton WV. Empty lot located in Sutton on 284 South Industrial Lane . This lot overlooks the Elk River and the Town of Sutton. There are some bush and trees that needs clear on the property pending what your plan would be. It’s nothing that a few hours with a mini excavator couldn’t handle. There is Gas, Electric, Public Water and Public sewer readily available. It could make a home seat or little getaway that is close to Sutton Lake and the Elk River. At one time there was a small trailer and building on the property. Property line is the shrubs that go up the hill at 250 Industrial lane to the steps that go up the hill. Lot size is 150 feet (along the road) and 100 feet from the road to up the hill.
Property is next to the 911 address 250 South Industrial Lane Sutton WV, GPS waypoints are
38°39'43.3"N 80°42'39.4"W
38.662025, -80.710937
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