2.7 Km to LAKE HURON Beachfront!
1.1 Km to Cedar Lake to the EAST!
1.4 Km to Lakewood Shores golfing Resort to the NE!
Until you're on the ground & cruise around checking out the views, you know what you're looking at! You buy a place to build a house not just based on its near-future growth potential, but many other things including, of course, Location! In terms of that, any location that is close to beaches & lakefronts is, without any doubt, the most desired & valuable real estate anywhere... For a start, it is just mins. drive from the beaches of Lake Huron, where you will see miles upon miles of pristine white sand and clear blue waters.
There is Electricity available to hook into but there is not City Water or Sewer; you would need a septic tank, well, and a Propane tank to develop the property(no natural gas). Garbage pickup is an additional service also. The property is located west of Lake Huron & Cedar Lake
Property Statistics
Address: Crestwood Dr., Oscoda Township, MI 48750.
Legal Description: Lakewood Shores Golf & Country Club # 3 Lot 406.
Parcel ID: 064L2200040600.
UTILITIES: Power, town water, sewer, telephone, garbage collection.
Size: 13,367.2 sq.ft. (about 0.31 acre);
Dimensions: 110' x 132.33' x 110' x 110.71'.
Taxes: ALL taxes are up-to-date, ie. NO outstanding or delinquent taxes. Taxes by Oscoda Charter Township:
Summer Tax: $15.46 (payable by mid-Sept. in the current year);
Winter Tax: $6.05 (payable by Feb. 17 the following year).
With the annual taxes this low, you can afford to hang on to it without rushing in to build. If you don't want to build, you can easily afford to hang on to it till the property market peaks again, and then sell this at a handsome profit!
Deed offered: Quit Claim.
There is a Home Owners Association - Lakeshores Property Owners Association which offers many amenities. click on https://www.lakewoodshorespoa.com/ dues are $270 per year.
The price for the lot is $4,000