Mobile home for sale. Furnished. Central AC/Heat. All appliances included, stainless steel interior dishwasher, stove, side by side fridge, above stove microwave. Living room, Lazy Boy recliner and reclining love seat, 55" flat screen tv, electric fire place tv console, lamps, book shelves end tables. New beds in both bedrooms, built in dressers, good size closets in each bedroom, 32" flat screen tv in master. New windows throughout, new vinyl waterproof flooring, new interior paint, roller shades. Metal roof over in great condition. Screen room, 16x12 with table and chairs. Painted driveway with 12x50 carport. Shed 8x12 metal, with mower, weed trimmer, etc. Must be park approved. This is a 55+ park. Lakeview in the Hills. Lot rent currently is $520.00 per month.
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